Our Team

MSOFTCODE team provide you a fully functional and engaging web product is important for startups. Whether it acts as a lead driver, or a platform that provides services to customers, you’ll need a good web site or mobile app ensure the website or app achieves its purposes.
Kumar Manuja

Kumar Manuja

Marketing HOD

Founding partner of MSOFTCODE. Plays the role of Marketing Manager, Project Manager.

Sunil mahur

Sunil Mahur

Team Head

Founding partner of MSOFTCODE. Manages the team and projects as well as Senior Developer.


Jyoti Verma

Content Writer

I am having experience of content writing for 10 years and have done many projects




I am a programmer and web developer at MSOFTCODE and I had completed many projetcs.



Graphic Designer

I am a Graphic Designer at MSOFTCODE and had designed many graphics.